Whether you're a complete beginner seeking to catch your first wave or an experienced surfer looking to refine your skills, our surf lessons are designed to cater to all levels. We believe that surfing is not just a sport but a transformative experience that connects you with nature, boosts your confidence, and ignites your spirit of adventure.

If you're seeking a thrilling adventure, a new hobby, or simply a break from the ordinary, join us for an unforgettable surf lesson.

Surf Levels



First timers or with limited experience

First timers or with limited

Perfect for those who are new to surfing or have only had a few experiences in the past. You are enthusiastic about learning the basics of surfing, catching your first waves and embracing the joy of surfing.

Perfect for those who are new to surfing or have only had a few experiences in the past. You are enthusiastic about learning the basics of surfing, catching your first waves and embracing the joy of surfing.

Perfect for those who are new to surfing or have only had a few experiences in the past. You are enthusiastic about learning the basics of surfing, catching your first waves and embracing the joy of surfing.

What will we focus on?

• Introduction to surfing: basic terminology, equipment and safety tips • Adaptation to the aquatic environment: managing the board in the water, dealing with waves, currents and channels • Paddling techniques: laying down position, proper paddling form and tips for efficient paddling • Catching waves: how to position yourself, timing and catching whitewater waves • Pop-up technique: step by step guide on how to transition from paddling to standing up on the board (take off) and body stance • Surf etiquette: explanation of the unwritten rules and respect for other surfers in the line up



Mastering fundamental skills

Mastering fundamental skills

You have progressed beyond the beginner stage but are still building your skills in the white water. You have experience catching small foam waves but you still need to perfect the basics such as paddling, take off, surf stance and small turns.

You have progressed beyond the beginner stage but are still building your skills in the white water. You have experience catching small foam waves but you still need to perfect the basics such as paddling, take off, surf stance and small turns.

You have progressed beyond the beginner stage but are still building your skills in the white water. You have experience catching small foam waves but you still need to perfect the basics such as paddling, take off, surf stance and small turns.

What will we focus on?

• Mastering the white water: techniques for riding and maneuvering in the foam waves • Body stance: tips on maintaining balance and stability on the surfboard • Wave selection: understanding different types of waves and selecting appropriate ones for practice • Turning basics: introduction to basic turns (frontside and backside) in the white water • Building confidence: strategies for overcoming fear and gaining confidence in the water • Speed and break: correct weight distribution on different phases of the ride



Ready to ride green waves

Ready to ride green waves

You are ready to progress to riding unbroken waves, you are motivated to apply on the green waves what you learned in the white water. You need some guidance to go to the peak and catching your first green waves.

You are ready to progress to riding unbroken waves, you are motivated to apply on the green waves what you learned in the white water. You need some guidance to go to the peak and catching your first green waves.

You are ready to progress to riding unbroken waves, you are motivated to apply on the green waves what you learned in the white water. You need some guidance to go to the peak and catching your first green waves.

What will we focus on?

• Duck diving and turtle rolling: techniques for navigating through breaking waves (negotiating waves) • Angled take-off: how to catch green, unbroken waves and initiate angled take-offs • Initiation to fundamental maneuvers: bottom turn, trimming and changing direction on the wave • Reading the lineup: understanding wave formations, indentifying peak spots and position in the lineup • Increasing the wave count: work on consistency and confidence riding a variety of waves in several spots



Positioning and wave selection

Positioning and wave selection

You have experience riding down the line, performing basic maneuvers and autonomy in the water. You are determined to ride larger waves, explore different sections of the wave and progress your overall surfing ability.

What will we focus on?

• Advanced wave selection: analyzing wave conditions, identifying wave sets and making strategic wave choices • Bottom turn: fundamentals of executing a proper bottom turn for generating speed and setting up maneuvers • Top turn and cutback: technical improvement on changing direction on the wave • Speed generation: techniques for generating speed through pumping, trim and positioning on the face of the wave • Wave timing and performance: improving wave-reading skills, take off on peak/ behind the peak and surfing in the pocket • Improving consistency: strategies for increasing wave count, optimizing positioning and maintaining a strong performance level



Technical improvement with video correction

Technical improvement with
video correction

You have achieved a high level of proficiency and autonomy in the water, you have experience riding different types of waves and surf confidently up to 1m tall waves. You are eager to start with video analysis, receive detailed feedback and push your limits.

What will we focus on?

• Video analysis: importance of video feedback, analyzing technique and identifying areas for improvement • Advanced wave reading: advanced tips for predicting wave behavior • Style and flow: refining style, body stance and fluidity in maneuvers • Speed and power: learning how to maximizing the maneuvers in order to surf faster and with more power • Advanced maneuver breakdown: in-depth breakdown of different maneuvers like snaps, floaters, off the lip maneuvers, carves, barrels, airs, etc • Equipment selection: guidance on choosing the right surfboard and fin setups for specific conditions and maneuver preferences



Strategy and mindset

Strategy and mindset

You are passionate about competitive surfing and aspire to participate and excel in competitions. You are motivated, committed and eager to take your skills to the next level. Whether you're already competing or preparing to enter the competitive scene, our program is tailored to help you navigate the complexities of competitive surfing.

What will we focus on?

• Advanced technique: we'll refine your existing maneuvers and introduce more advanced techniques to expand your repertoire for different wave conditions • Competitive strategy: we will work on reading heats, analyzing wave scoring potential and strategizing your approach in the line up • Heat simulation: includes timed heats, simulated judging criteria and mock heats with colleagues • Mental preparation: visualization, focus training and maintaining a positive mindset • Video analysis: we'll review your performance, identify areas of improvement and provide detailed feedback

Surfskate Levels


First timers or with limited experience

Perfect for those who are new to surfskate or have only had a few experiences in the past. This level is designed for individuals who are enthusiastic about learning the basics of surfskating, mastering their balance, and embracing the joy of riding the board.

What will we focus on?

• Introduction to surfskating: basic terminology, equipment, and safety tips. • Adaptation to the board: becoming comfortable with the surfskate, managing balance, and dealing with movement. • Turning techniques: learning basic turns and maneuvers, including how to initiate and control them. • Body positioning and weight distribution: understanding how to position oneself on the board for stability and control. • Riding fundamentals: practicing pushing, maintaining speed, and maintaining balance during the ride.


Starting with surf technique

This level is suitable for surfskaters who have gained some experience on the board and can perform basic turns with a level of autonomy. Intermediates aim to refine their skills and progress towards more advanced maneuvers.

What will we focus on?

• Turning techniques: cutbacks, bottom turns, and other intermediate-level maneuvers. • Carving and pumping: learning how to generate speed through body movements and dynamic turns. • Flow and rhythm: developing a sense of flow and rhythm in riding, linking turns together smoothly. • Varied terrain exploration: practicing surfskating on different surfaces, slopes, and inclines.


Mastering the technique to apply in the water

The advanced level is designed for surfskaters who are comfortable and confident on the board, having acquired a high level of proficiency in various maneuvers and techniques. Advanced students seek to push their limits and explore the full potential of their skills.

What will we focus on?

• Complex maneuvers: mastering advanced turns, slides and sets of maneuvers • Speed optimization: refining pumping techniques for maximum speed and flow. • Stylistic variations: exploring different surf-inspired styles and incorporating them into surfskating. • Creative lines: developing the ability to create unique and innovative lines while riding.